A vast majority of all foot pain can be treated with custom insoles and footwear, without medicines, incisions or pain killers – because most foot pain is caused due to faulty foot posture, alignment and mechanics (motion), many of which are caused by ill-fitting footwear made from poor quality materials.
A lot of knee pain cases exist because of poor posture or foot biomechanics (movements). A flat foot condition or a case of foot over pronation puts excessive pressure on the medial (inner) side of the knee and causes misalignment in the ankle and knee, causing the knee to rotate medially. This causes knee pain and can be treated with custom insoles. Knee pain is also caused due to certain conditions of the patella or of the ligaments around the patella. When the foot is not stable, it will make the knee unstable and aggravate the knee pain. Insoles help by stabilizing the knee and by offloading pressure on the medial or lateral aspect as may be required. The following conditions cause knee pain and custom insoles are important to eliminate the effects of foot mechanics.
Knock-knee or genu valgum is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch each other when the legs are straightened. Individuals with a severe condition are unable to touch their feet together while standing straight. Knock knees may put increased pressure on the inside of the knees and cause knee pain. Custom insoles or footwear are extremely important to reduce excessive pressure on the knees and bring some relief in knee pain.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative wear and tear of the cartilage between the bones of the knee joint which causes the bones to rub more closely against each other causing knee pain. Custom insoles can help shift some of the pressure from the affected side of the knee to the other side besides reducing friction caused in the knee joint by eliminating the effects of excessive foot pronation or supination.
Chondromalacia patella is a condition in which the cartillage on the underside of the kneecap (patella) softens and deteriorates causing knee pain. It is also known as Runner’s Knee. Sometimes, this condition is also referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome as both conditions are extremely similar. If you have excessive tibial rotation, this will cause friction in the knee joint and aggravate the pain. Insoles are essential to arrest faulty foot mechanics that destabilize the knee.
Patellofemoral syndrome is a general term used to describe a condition in which there is pain in the front of the knee around the kneecap. It is also called runner’s knee or jumper’s knee as it is common in young athletes who play sports. When the condition also involves a softening of the cartilage, the condition is referred to as chondromalacia patella, however, these two terms are commonly used interchangeably. Custom insoles are important to control abnormal foot movements that cause abnormal tracking of the patella causing increased knee pain.
Ilio Tibial Band syndrome or IT Band syndrome is an overuse injury of the ilio tibial band, a bunch of tissues located on the outer side of the knee. The patient may feel pain on the outer side of the knee while walking. Custom insoles shift some of the pressure on the medial side of the knee thus helping accelerate recovery from knee pain.
An ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament. Severe knee pain, rapid swelling, inability to continue the activity are some of its symptoms. Podiapro makes custom insoles to help support the knee better in patients recovering from ACL injuries by stabilizing the ankle. This holds the foot, ankle and knee in alignment in weight bearing, having a positive effect on knee pain.
C 1, Gate No. 2, Shreyas Industrial Estate
Off Western Express Highway
Goregaon East
Mumbai, India